By Erle Levey

Packing the bags in preparation to travel. It’s not as simple as you’d think.

Money? How much. What form? 

Phone, iPad, laptop?

What happened to the old notepad and sketchbook of the 1970’s?

They’ve gone into the museum!

Camera? Why? Won’t the Apple stuff take good enough photos?

No! Real camera must go along, not just for the ride.

What to wear – where and why and when. Who will we be meeting on this European adventure?

Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Nine performances by the choir in 21 days at some of the great cathedrals and concert halls.

The uniforms are washed and ironed, the sheet music folded.

There’s walking and gym gear, casual – most of the time. And some clothes a touch smarter for the more formal events.

All to fit into a carry-on roller bag.

No. There is no way 10 kilograms of luggage (total) will suffice.

Maybe 15 kilograms. Sure. That gives some freedom without being a burden.

And the carry-on back-pack.

Knowledge. An essential.

Having an understanding of those contrasting countries takes time to grasp.

Got the basics simply by being aware as history happens. Yet the real guts of situations and remote historic events take research, digging and dissecting.

So much of the pleasure from travelling, as distinct from holidaying, relies upon the preparation. It’s personal.

When the planning is done and dusted a veil of mild anxiety lifts from your mood. To be replaced by that building sense of anticipation, excitement and awareness that we are so lucky to be able to indulge in travel for pleasure.

Imagine packing your life and walking away from home, never to return like so many have been forced to do.

We’re heading into Central Europe, the scene of the best and worst of life over centuries.

One memorial to the forced marches during war time consists of cast bronze shoes.

I’m fortunate … my shoes have always taken me where I choose to go.

Guide books and maps? No, don’t bother … use Google maps.

Pack in masses of the elusive sense of humour, tolerance, empathy and energy.